Parse error: Invalid numeric literal. IN PDF application

After conversion from SC8 to SC9 two PDF applications with background image gives an error:

Parse error: Invalid numeric literal in C: \ Program Files \ NetMake \ v9 \ wwwroot \ scriptcase \ app \ Consortia \ recibo_haberes \ recibo_haberes_grid.class.php on line 918

In Script line says:

$ Col_proveedores_prnombre = array (‘posx’ => 08, ‘posy’ => 34, ‘data’ => $ this-> provider_prname [$ this-> nm_grid_columns], ‘width’ => 0, ‘align’ => ’ ‘Font_type’ => $ this-> default_font, ‘font_size’ => 9, ‘color_r’ => ‘0’, ‘color_g’ => ‘0’, ‘color_b’ => ‘0’, 'font_style '=> $ This-> default_style);

Maybe it’s a problem with PHP 7 ? or SC9 ?

That’s why lately I’m using FPDF () for complex reports, invoice printing, etc. Where one can handle it and not like this example that DOES NOT KNOW what happens.

Greetings and I expect some response to try to solve it and not have to redo them.

Has already been reported to our bugs department to make the analisys.