Passing a Parameter from Grid to Form (from add Button)

I’d like to pass a parameter (database field) form the grid to the form (add button) that permit to add an entry.

grid-employment → add button → form-employment

Parameter to pass : employeeId

Any idea how to set that ?

You dont need add new button. SC creates automatically from BATCH Applications option:

I was maybe not clear with my question, but I founded the solution.

  • The variable has to be configured in the Field settings

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you mean that the grid-employment and form-emplyment has the same table?

Because i have kind the same issue, but i want to make a button on grid-client from table client to can add an entry to form-avize from table avize, can you tell me how to do that please? thank you

No, different table. It a 1 … n relation.
1 employee can have 1 or more employment.

yes , this is it. you can also do the same with views/grids, so they become dynamic/ run on different fields depending on the parameters.