Passing global var to another project


I created a project for control application and another project for forms and grid applications.

I set username as global var and want to pass to forms application which is in another project.

I’ve tried set [global_user] = {username} and set to out.

At the forms application I set {create_by} = [global_user] and set the global var to in.

But I still can’t get value.

How can it be done?


You can always use cookies in php. see:
SO you can easily pass anything to another application as long as you pick up the cookie in the second application.

Hi rr,

I should set the cookie at my control app in onValidate event then retrieve the cookie in my forms application in another project?

control application in onValidate event:

forms application in onLoad event:
{creator} = $_COOKIE(“username”);

That is something you can do indeed. It is a simple way. You can make it a bit more hackproof by either encoding/decoding the cookie or using https access. You got the idea.
Normal php uses $_COOKIE[“username”] tho so be aware of that…

Hi rr,

Got that.

Thanks alot.