passing in a parameter in URL, need some help with 2 issues

Hi Guys,
I am passing in a parameter teamid in the url, something like:

Ok, so that works. But I have two problems:

P1 - My grid app uses the controls at the bottom toolbar that allow a user to page thru the records, in case there are many. BUT with the above scenario, the paramter is not added back into the new URL, so my app can’t get it a second time on refresh. How can I either add the paramater into the new URL when you press, say the move to next arrow, OR can I capture it the first time, then keep it as a global and use that for all future reloads… the problem being, how do I know when someone has come with a new teamid???

P2 - Scriptcase on deployment asks which app is teh default. In my case the grid_team_listing app. However, I would prefer having a ‘cleaner’ URL link. How can I turn:
without hacking generated code?

Thanks everyone :slight_smile: