Passing parameters between applications

Hello everyone…

I have a table (grid) of orders with a link in each order id. and I have another table with order details of each order…
I want the user when he/she clicks on an order in the orders table being moved to the order details table but have a list of details for that specific order only…
I understand that I have to include the order id field in the where clause of the select statement, but how do I pass the order id from the orders application to the order details?


In general you pass parameters by using global variables. These are set in the appropiate events like:


In the called application you can pick this up and use in i.e. sql statements:

where mykey = [glob_myvar];

Yeah, I did figure it out…

Thank you…

I got a similar problem with SC7.1. I uses a HTML field and this field properties provide a button to create a LINK to another application. In the process of creating the link, I specified the fields to be passed across as parameter, but when i execute the program, no values were being passed across.

The problem is most likely because a html field is not an editable field. I recommend to try to change this to a regular edit field and set the label radiobutton.

If that the case, then I would consider this a system bug, as SC created a “create link” button on the html image field type, and allow the user to select parameter to pass across the link application, but does not work. I am running it on SC7.1 php 5.3 , not sure if it works on SC7.1 php 5.4. However, as my server hosting the application cannot have php 5.4 installed, I have no choice but to stick to php 5.3.

This fields are global out (!) vars in your first app? And global in (!) vars in your second app?

The first apps is using Control and the second app is using Blank
Yes they are global out and global in

I have to use sc_redir command in the OnValidateSucces or onValidate event to work.