PayU Payment Gateway Integration


Is there anyone has done Payment gateway PayU integration? Any help would be highly appreciated.

The following is the integration notes from PayU site but I am struggling where to keep these scripts


That looks pretty standard for a payment gateway…

The left part you need to build. And you can indeed do that in scriptcase. You just ne ed to fill the proper transaction parameters and do a redirect…
Or you use the bolt checkout which is pretty similar… That one looks more of an api approach…

You have to create your own php code and on your last page before paying you redirect /http post to payu with the proper parameters.

While it looks standard, it was taking lot of time and too many issues. Finally I think I am able to integrate. If anyone who reads this forum later needs help please send me an email, I will be happy to help.

I 've found this OmniPay LIB and it seems really nice because we should be able to implement many different gateways with only one LIB. I would like to know if anybody have tried that or have suggestions how to implement it.

Here is an API for Square with PHP code:

Dr Tim - have you implemented any of those ?

I have used PayPal and Square in systems I have done. I have only done Paypal with ScriptCase but will be adding Square Payments in the coming months. Square Payments was very easy to integrate with the other system I did last year, so I do not see a problem with integration into ScriptCase.

Dr. Tim

do you have a SC example project which “auducom” did some time ago as webinar ? I need this project

In general all financial gateways work the same way. You transfer the control to the payment gateway and you get two calls back.One is used as a confirmation of the transaction and can be used to inform your customer that you have received confirmation of the transaction (not the result!) of the bank, and a second one that is ‘hidden’ and need to be used to update payment info in your application (payed, not payed, delayed …). The transactions need to be protected by keys (useually SHA) and you need to verify the origin (to prevent that anyone can send the invisible url and register payed, even if it isn’t ). Some providers have an api to request confirmation so you will be able to check just before delivery if things are ok at the bank (on transaction number). That’s a safe way as it cannot be influenced easily by a hacker as the initiation is at another point.
That’s the reason why you get more emails from webshops: confirmation of your order and a confirmation of your payment.

I haven’t looked at PayU, but I’m pretty sure it works the same way. In general it requires careful programming as you’re working with financials, but it really isn’t rocket science.

The first call can be redirected to your own visual page, the second one is a plain api call and needs to be implemented as a scriptcase blank application.