My PDF application displays “Not Working” html 500 error in the production environment using IIS
Export to PDF was also not working but was resolved by installing Visual C++ 2015 x86 on the prod server
thinking it was a rights problem I gave “Everyone” write access to _lib to see if I could affect change but that did not correct the problem
Seems like this is an old problem, what am I missing. Any Ideas on how this can be resolved
With the help of support we were able to solve this by uncommenting extension=php_fileinfo.dll in the php.ini file
it was determined that having a barcode in the pdf layout the app would not run. my production environment is IIS with php 7.033
using powershell and running “php -S localhost:10000” and then running my app in a browser with the url localhost:1000/<myApp>
the error exposed itself in powershell as “undefined function call finfo_open()”
hope that helps
Yo tuve un error similar. Al tratar de abrir un reporte PDF donde se dibujaban líneas con sc_pdf_line daba el error 500, al instalar la extensión php_fileinfo, se soluciono todo y ahora si trabaja correctamente.