pdf email

Adjuntar un archivo PDF a un correo electr?nico de forma autom?tica

Necesito crear archivos PDF de forma autom?tica debe ser enviado por correo electr?nico despu?s de la generaci?n. Alguien sabe como puedo hacerlo?

Attach a PDF to an email automatically

 I need to create PDF files automatically be emailed after generation. Anyone know how I can do?


Nadie sabe como puedo enviar por email el formulario en pdf?


see http://webcheatsheet.com/PHP/send_email_text_html_attachment.php for sending mail with attachments.
You dont really have to use the pdf stuff in scriptcase, you could also use tcpdf (quite a good one) or fpdf or dompdf.

Thanks, what I want is to send the pdf that is generated in the temporary folder.
Is there any way to ScriptCase?


Sure just use sc_mail_send check the help in scriptcase for the details and some simple examples…
sc_mail_send(SMTP, Usr, Pw, From, To, Subject, Message, Mens_Type, Copies, Copies_Type, Port, Connection_Type, Attachment)

Ex. 1:
sc_mail_send(‘smtp.meuserver.com.br’, ‘usr’, ‘pw’, ‘from@netmake.com.br’, ‘to@netmake.com.br’, ‘Test Email Subject’, ‘Message’, ‘H’, ‘abc@cop.com.br;zxy@cop.com.br’, ‘H’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘c:/test/arq.txt’);

I think the problem arises because the name is not going to give when generating the pdf file in the temporary folder

Nadie sabe si se puede enviar un pdf generado en la carpeta temporal?
No one knows if you can send a pdf generated in the temporary folder?

Te recomiendo que lo hagas por tus propios medios como mencionan arriba, Scriptcase es bueno para ciertas cosas, esta no es una de ellas.

Gracias, al final eso es lo que har?