Pdf error since update

Good evening everyone, I’m having a problem when I do simple exports from any grid, only in PDF I get the error.

#Not Found

The requested URL /nazcatex/_lib/tmp/sc_pdf_4a1e038944ac7f0eccc1793fa612f511_grid_orden_produccion_mejorado.pdf was not found on this server.

An error that only appears when exporting in PDF format in all other formats allows me to export correctly. This error began to appear after I updated to the new version.

I already verified my permissions in said folder, with permissions 0777, I already reinstalled all the services again on my server, I removed the security, and even developed the applications again, now the strangest point is that when I open it from the developer area if I It allows you to view the pdfs in a normal way.

Any ideas or help please?

having the same issue, any idea how to solve?