PDF filename

hello, i have to make a pdf file with a certain name
i tried using

sc_pdf_output([myFilename],“F”); in the layout code

and this method in applicationinit

$this->nm_path_pdf = [myFilename];

but it give me a error because the file can’t be found

any idea what can i do?

Hello, I got same problem , did you fixed it by yourself ?? Thanks

Does the pdf get created? First please check where it gets created. Did you use advanced deployment?

thank ScriptCase a consultancy on the question raised in this ticket.

In the PDF aplication (not the pdf export) I use this sentence with no mayor issues:

$pdf->Output("Report XYZ".{formVariable}.".pdf",'I');

It must go in the last line of the layout/code section.

Thanks for the answer jomscl. It is very helpful.