The PDF-Creation on our Live-Server doesn’t work.
The PDF-Creation on our local development environment (Windows 7) works fine
After deployment on production environment the PDF-button returns the following error “The JRE was not found on the server. Please contact the tecnical support.”
There were others who have posted about the same error on this forum.
We have tried everything recommended so far, also escalated this to support who referred us back to this forum.
Our production environment is located on a dedicated Linux server, distribution OpenSuse 11, with Plesk Admin Panel 9.2.
The server is one of many we have and is hosted and pre-installed by Europe’s second largest data center with 35.000 servers hosted.
Needless to say, everyone involved in this project is a pro, and we still cannot find a solution to get PDF running under ScriptCase.
And YES, of course is Java/JRE installed on the machine and working (for example several Joomla sites hosted on the same server DO create PDF-files without any problems!!).
The absolute path is:
When I use the file-command, I get the following info:
/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun/bin # file java
==> returns:
java: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
In the ScriptCase Production environment (Path for Java Binary) we have tried:
and alternatively:
In the field Java Binary we have entered:
To no avail, it just doesn’t work.
Has anyone actually a production server under linux running with PDF?
If so, what exactly have you entered under “Path for Java Binary” in the production environment?
Is there anything we can do, to figure out what the problem is (e.g. is there a diagnosis/log-files)?
Any help is greatly appreciated!