look at this reports:
SC 7:
SC 8:
Same report, same data, same code … (SC 7 app converted to SC 8).
look at this reports:
SC 7:
SC 8:
Same report, same data, same code … (SC 7 app converted to SC 8).
PDF Report / Settings / Font and Background => change Text Font = always the same Font.
A pdf report with with a background image (page format A4 (210x297 mm), background image with same format):
With Automatic Page Break set to No:
With Automatic Page Break set to Yes:
This is the same report, the same record, alle settings the same except Auto Page Break …
I fear that you have to redo parts of your work. In stead of using the (obsolete) fpdf they are using the better tcpdf now. I have been playing with these libraries because I needed to have a html2pdf function in SC7 and I had same experiences when using both libs. Finally I used tcpdf in SC7 which is now standard in SC8, but it was a lot of work to get similar output in both libs.
Very little …
But the tcpdf implementation in SC is faulty. The tcpdf example for the example above (background image) is running without problems, but SC does not backup the status from AutoPageBreak as in this example. The SC documentation to tcpdf ist wrong (can not use pdf->…, not all tcpdf functions are available in SC, etc.).
Ah … after update from SC .21 to .22:
This is with Automatic Page Break on. The page break is now ok, but the background image is smaller and smaller …
Same problem with the image size with autopage Break on, that’s the main reason for that I’m still using the version 7
Issue reported to our bugs team.
Bernhard Bernsmann
Another problem here:
If I create a html image field, Width and Height settings don’t work. Image is always shown with the same size. It must be changed directly in the generated code (Layout PDF section).
Tis bug it’s still unsolved, that’s the main reason why i’m still using v7, it’s very important for my systems to deliver pdf reports