current page =15 , total page=15 as a result of the formule above, output must be TRUE , but we got FALSE
In your IF statement, you are comparing two strings that ‘look like’ numbers. I would try casting them to integers to make sure and get rid of any problems related to character sets.
Hi Nick,
Firstly many thanks , I have made the rotation that you said.
“$toltal_page=(int)$toltal_page” After this formula “0” value is coming so I could not find any solution.
It is really interesting that on the formula line, “$current_page” value is always seen as “0” but when it is written in the provision on the page it returns its normal value.
There is any problem in the rotation of “$current_page=(int)$current_page”
I think you should look at the code that Script Case is generating. I have seen at least one place where I wrote something like $x=$x; and Script Case generated something like $this->x=$x;
Or, if you copy the code to this message, I will take a look at what gets generated.
Nick ,
I couldn’t find anything. scriptcase project and database (Mysql) file is attached.
Nick ,
I couldn’t find anything. scriptcase project and database (Mysql) file is attached.
I don’t want to try importing your whole project into my system, but it looks like a bug in Scriptcase.
Here is the generated code that I found in what you sent me:
$page_number = $this->PageNo().’/ {nb}’;
if ($current_page==’$toltal_page’ ){
Please note that in the IF statement, $toltal_page has single quotes around it. So you are comparing a number to a string…
When you output the values with $this->Text(20,12,$toltal_page);, the single quotes are gone. So you will see the correct value instead of the string.
I’m sorry I answered late. Thanks