PHP 7 has not been released yet, but hopefully in a few weeks it will.
Has anyone tried to see if SC8.1 would work on PHP 7?
I am curious how close it is, since PHP 7 is so much faster than current version of PHP.

As SC is written in PHP 5.6 you cannot select PHP7 in your cpanel. It will not run correctly. We need to wait until SC itself is updated. I asked this question at a webinar recently and was told it COULD BE in first half of 2016. At least this was my understanding.

It depends on the compatibility of PHP 7 from other versions. In general applications should work fine. But it could be that certain php things change and afaik one of the (important) changes is in the foreach statement, so I would expect problems. But you can always try.

As a developer I am very excited with the PHP 7.

Unfortunately we can’t just make it work right away, two major things are needed to release SC with PHP 7.

  1. We need to verify if all the tool’s interface and generated apps will keep working as intended.
  2. We would need to update our encryption system.

This things take time.
That being said, It will probably be available within the next versions (9+ I believe).

Cavadinha, do you have an approximate release date for version 9? Just a rough estimate will do.

Despite, I’m curious too, there is no guarantee that PHP 7 will be supported in V9 immediately. PHP7 is still a release candidate and still not official and as soon as it will, it will take some time to be around the different providers. So why the hurry? What’s in PHP 7 you so urgently need and what you currently can’t do? Just the speed can’t be the issue.

Like the old saying: “Time is money”.
More performance / processing power means we can escalate apps to even bigger and bigger systems without the clients experience any “freeze”.

And this is awesome.

Also ScriptCase have a giant code and we need to keep it up to date to satisfy the current clients and bring new ones. We can’t let the code become obsolete.
Of course there is also new features, fix of annoying bugs (specially on windows), but the performance is the main reason, yes.

But don’t worry, we won’t rush it the PHP7, as I said before, it has a chance to pop up at version 9, it is not guaranteed.
We have to test the entire tool before we choose to adopt the PHP7, to verify if any deprecated code is bugged and stuffs like that.

I am already using it locally for example, but it will take a some time to give us certain of the update.

No sneak peeks for the moment :smiley:

I prefer you guys take your time and deliver a version with as least bugs as possible then that you hurry up. Providers will not switch to php7 taht quickly either.

When scriptcase 9 will be done?

I’m deploying some aplications in ubuntu 16.04, intalling over php-5.6 that is already deprecated, would be a problem update later.

Other php tool generator are supporting PHP7 already.

No sneak peeks but man, if only we could have a modern responsive framework embedded natively a la Bootstrap 3 or even 4, I’d be forever ingratiated. Dream on…

Yeah. Bootstrap native integration is my main concern too. Our client won’t bother what’s version of php we using right? :slight_smile:

I know right.
I understand your wishes and I try to bring this whenever I can to the discussions on our internal meetings.
I can’t promise anything, all I can say is that we are sailing in that direction.

An environment with better responsivity and mobile support.

About PHP7, its tricky to make the change right away.
You can use the generated apps in your PHP7 server with basically no problems.

We are still working on the Dev area.

Yes I totally agree that Bootstrap 3 or 4 native integration is more important than PHP 7 implementation. I hope SC development team, sqlmaestro (one of Scriptcase competitor) has already implemented Bootsrap and PHP 7. They also have what features will be available in the next version in 2017. Come on SC,I am almost a year with you.

Thanks Cavadinha. Always feels good to know Netmake cares enough to step in occasionally into chats. Please what is the use of the Bootstrap + SC feature in your blog? How can that be used to change responsiveness of grids/ form apps in SC 8 today? I already posted this:

I think if netmake change the SC to adapt the native bootstrap, will be very complicated. They have to rewrite from ground up for “mobile first” :slight_smile:

We can’t make an “all in” move, else things will get broken.

So, just to contextualize, we are slowly inserting bootstrap into Scriptcase. We plan to rework in small pieces the dev area and add bootstrap in our tool.
After we get the dev area, its time to move to the generated apps.

Don’t expect it to be fast, specially the last part (which are the generated apps).
There is just too much to change to accomplish what we want, so we need to it properly and without a hurry.

You should take bootstrap integration as first priority. IMHO SC already have very rich features If the bootstrap added I believe SC sales will be increase more. :slight_smile:

Goodness! There must be some wonderfully esoteric reason you are pursuing this approach but I would say this is wrong priority. I don’t mind using a Windows 3.1 interface as long as the generated code can be bootstrap. End-users have come to expect modern CSS framework behaviour as a standard in apps.

I agree absolutely.

Cavadinha is right (although I wish he weren’t). SC is complex and starting from scratch using a Bootstrap framework would be a very risky approach that could be disastrous for NetMake (and us developers, too). One real world situation that comes to mind was the browser wars when Netscape decided to totally rewrite their browser from the ground up. Their mistake proved fatal, as they went from the leading browser vendor to out of business. Their new browser was filled with bugs and they lost all their hard earned market position to Internet Explorer and others. Borland was another casualty of this macho approach to programming. For a good read (and a history lesson), check this out:

Cavadinha, I support your incremental approach,but like my programming brothers, patience is not one of my virtues. Please move carefully (but quickly too)!