I love SC… but I’m still learning the ins and outs and here is another question… (I do appreciate all the help so far in the forums).
I have a button with PHP code. This is what I hope to accomplish:
1-Check if a global var is set (basically, if [g_userid] is NOT blank)
2-If [g_userid] is NULL, display the login form (modal), allow user to login, then display next form (FORM_REGISTER).
3-If [g_userid] is NOT empty, then continue to the next form (we’ll say FORM_REGISTER).
So far, I have sc_redir(login.php,modal) in the PHP button code, but it only goes to the next screen and displays an OK button. If I take out the MODAL flag, it displays the login form.
Any ideas to help with this??? Basically, the first form they view is a public form, but MUST be logged in to continue to register further. I cannot require them to log in in order to view the initial form.