PHP engine and JRE on IIS

I want to evaluate SC5.

I’ve installed SC5 on IIS server. At the moment of installation I didn’t have installed JRE. I installed it later, put path value into environment variable and restarted IIS. At the cmd promt I get response from JRE when I type in java -version. Version is 1.6.0_22

When I startup SC5 I get message “JRE or JDK installed and accessible to PHP” as not valid.

What must I do to force SC5 start using JRE?

Thx, Miran

Re: PHP engine and JRE on IIS

IIS run under the user IUSR_‘WINDOWSNAME’.

You must check if this user has permission to execute the cmd.exe

Show us your diagnosis file

Re: PHP engine and JRE on IIS

I changed permissions on cmd.exe and it seems to work well.



Re: PHP engine and JRE on IIS

nice :slight_smile: