IT has been reported and confirmed numerous times. And again I’ve lost some work. IT is terribly irritating when simple things remain unfixed for years…! ! !

Once again:

Changing Header / Footer template in the App settings causes loosing all settings in the Header Footer variables.


  1. Select “Line” in the Header Settings -> Template
  2. Select to show some image in the first line in the Header
  3. Change the Settings -> Template to something else (ie.e Expanded)
  4. When you go to Header Variables - the image is lost
  5. IF you switch back to Line template image is still gone, so once the variables for Header/Footer are lost you will always have to recreate them manually.

If one wants to do some testing with different settings for Footer/Header it is almost impossible unless investing humongous amount of time and irritation to re-type everything manually when the change is made. THIS IS SUPER FRUSTRATING

I have reported this issue several times and it was confirmed to be fixed in new update. Several updates where published and it is still not fixed !

Hello Mr. Arthur

This is the expected behavior.
When you change the Template you must adjust your header.
Each Template has a separate configuration.

Have a nice day.

Best regards,
Netmake - IT Solutions