Please fix webinar notifications

I have missed last webinar because your (or webinar system) has sent me a notification 3 hours after it was over. There is some problem with the timezones I think and it must be fixed, otherwise many people will be missing it. I tried to get on line and checked NM site for the room link but there was nothing there (which is wired as well). Something is definitely WRONG !


[QUOTE=aka;25116]I have missed last webinar because your (or webinar system) has sent me a notification 3 hours after it was over. There is some problem with the timezones I think and it must be fixed, otherwise many people will be missing it. I tried to get on line and checked NM site for the room link but there was nothing there (which is wired as well). Something is definitely WRONG !


Arthur, the webinar is maintained by Citrix (gotowebinar). It holds the timezone pdt and that might be confusing as you have to convert the pdt into cet in my case. But the emails are sent almost immediately after registration, so if you receive the notifications hours late I would suspect my provider …

I don’t think you have missed much however, and part two - the most interesting part - is next friday. Hope it goes better then.

Albert - I run my own webinars as well and I know when I set notification to certain date/time I need to consider that it is my Timezone (not the receiver). If I set one to sent to you at 9:00 am you will get it at 4pm (you time - I think we are 6 hours away). So this must be considered when sending notifications. I could not register because I did not receive anything from NM before the webinar (and yes I missed a lot - your nice voice my friend - haha). OK, not a big deal, just a side note.


The times are never set correct for us as this is a intl. webinar. So there always are people disappointed, I missed a webinar for that reason. I emailed Citrix for improvement a while ago. They say the’re working on it… I know that one (lol)


I will verify the problem with our team.
