I really do not understand the reason of making super duper long strings ! IT ALL CREATES ONLY MORE CONFUSION AND ADDS EXTRA EFFORT FOR DEVELOPERS.
Please change those super long filenames to something meaningful ! we already strugling with problems not being able to see the strings in the fields because somebody (with no imagination) made those fields so short. Now on top of this we have those long filenames ? Why ?

have I mentioned about creating ENGLSIH meaningful names ? ? ?


ENGLISH. Can’t help but to laugh

You complain so much about them, would you like to make a competing product?

Umm no?
Then just color
What do you expect for a few hundred bucks

It’s not oracle ya know

Not really. I have used Code Charge Studio in the past. Quite competitive product (in some cases even better). Similar price - NO ENGLISH ISSUES AT ALL
but guess what ? I would pay few hundred more to get the product of better quality. It all start from the right attitude, proper vision and management. It was brought on this forum hundred times that for the cost of one license they could get all English translation problems fixed in few weeks. It is that simple.
But this is not about English but a unnecessary long filenames!

I could change any file name and variable name under a minute.
Know why I don’t simply do this?

The fact that, if I change an old internal variable name from PT to EN, or some file. It could break the algorithms of clients out there.

Would you be happy if you had a large system with 300 apps and suddenly after an update your system start to present flaws or stop working because internal variables was changed?
I bet you wouldn’t be too happy. But, you get mad with anything, so I guess this shouldn’t be surprising.

When people who can’t give a shit about your complaints chime in… That should tell you something

And my point wasn’t that you use to use another product
My point was if your so good at these solutions

Write your own product

Then you can listen to people who have no knowledge of your product tell you how it should be done

Your product is very good, I think it’s the best in the world today. I think if someone is not satisfied with this product, simply should look for a different option, and not wear down the staff working to have this product on the level being …

Suggestion is done and readed by the team. I close to avoid to go offtopic.