Hi. I understand and have obviously used variables in other apps stored in the session cookie. I have also passed values with PUT and GET in the URL. Here is my slight confusion in SC:
Say I am in the control_login app, in the validation event. I want to save some values for later use in other apps.
$glo_test = “hello”;
The above does not allow me to reference the [glo_test] in other apps. What does the sc_set_global do?
So instead I do the following:
$glo_test = “hello”;
[glo_test] = $glo_test;
Now I can go to the Application - Global Variables - and I now see the glo_test used in the event. I just set it to SESSION and make it OUT. Then it is available as [glo_test] in other apps.
Other variables:
$test // is just a regular variable in my php in one particular event, correct?
{test} // is a variable that spans across multiple events ONLY in the same application, correct?
I am just really confused what that sc_set_global macro is for…