If you have an errormessage like 'duplicate key’then this is presented as a modal form. But this small form is centered in the iframe it is shown. If this iframe is large then you will miss the errormessage because it is virtual out of the screen. I would prefer to be able to have a configurable errormessage line or the possibility to align te message on a fixed position. Same goes for modal forms. If you have more iframes beneath each other and you request a modal form then this will be shown with the iframe as parent. Thus can be partly out of the screen and you need to scroll. Would be great if this could be configured.
I have just reported your suggestion to our development team.
Bernhard Bernsmann
Hello Aducom, we were found a solution to change the position of the modal window?
I have also this need
Thank you.
I wish I had.but no it’s still a problem.
Thank you for your reply, i have already lost too much time (i tried to find the SC8 css of the modal window), i’ll make a blank writing within the html code that i want.
Now in my SC 8 projects, use only the form and the grid, all the other apps have too many limitations, especially for the mobile version.