Possibilities of Web based Installer


I want to create a simple Telephone Directory using this application. My question is that do my telephone directory can offer installer just like wordpress or joomla. Does Scriptcase has the possibilities to create one for the application created with it. Or only manual config file update works fine.

P.S. I am a PHP newbie. And just starting with scritpcase too.

Thank you

If I understand you correct, you want to create an application to give away to other, non programming, user. These user would need the installer to config the application, correct?

I think there is everything in right now. You can create a zip-file of your application you can e.g. send as email to your user. They can extract where the like to have it. First call would tell them that it is not configured yet and offers them a link to the system configuration, where normally only the database connection is to be set. Till this point, it is everything you need, but as expected, here comes the but as everyone knows will follow …


in most cases, depending on ISP etc., I made the experience that after unzipping some modification for several file permission have to be done … (config files, pdf translation, …)

Best regards


Yes, but you can delivery one .zip file with your app and wrote a install.php thats unzip the .zip file and set the permissions correctly …