Possible bug with sc_link

Why this link works fine:
sc_link (my_field, http://www.scriptcase.com, ,“hint of the link”);

and this one doesn’t works:

$mylink = “http://www.scriptcase.com”;
sc_link (my_field, $mylink, ,“hint of the link”); :confused::confused:

I tried this but none of these 2 are working for me. I have put both codes in onRecord event with no LINK!

I can see is old bug from 2013!! :(:

There are two possible solutions:
Create a variable global: [pdf_url] = $pdf_url;
Create a field type url. {pdf_url} = $pdf_url;

with most scrtipcase macros it’s often not clear if and how variables can be used as paramaters.
but generally [var_name] will work, while $var_name will fail.