Print button on Print Friendly page?

If I put a Print button on the toolbar and the user clicks it, they are given a new window with no browser toolbar. From there, they need to press CTRL+P to print the document. As obvious as this is to you and me, my users are confused. How can I add a Print button or automatically show the Print dialog box as most sites do?


One option is to use a small piece of javascript, window.print() and assign that to the button.

Is there some place in ScriptCase where I can add that to all of the print friendly pages or do I need to try to find it in the generated source and edit it manually (probably for each application)? Thanks!

just create a button and select javascript as type and print as label.

Sorry, I don’t see any place within ScriptCase where I can add a button to the print-friendly page… any tips? Thanks!

If you have a print-friendly page you need to have some kind of header to put a button in. If you only have a clear echo screen then you don’t have much options beside the print function within the browser.

I’m talking about the Print button that ScriptCase creates… ScriptCase is generating the Print-friendly page. What happens when you click the Print button in your ScriptCase application? It sounds like you may not be seeing the same thing that I do…

I think we do things differently, so yes… If I click on my button the print dialog appears.

I wish mine did. :frowning:

I’ll open another ticket. Thanks anyway.

Is there an answer to this?