print one selected record from input form to pdf file


i have make new buttons link (print buttons) to call pdf report,
my program step is:

  1. input data in singe form
  2. press insert data/save data then
  3. press the new link buttons for print the detail data i just save.
    my problem is:
    i want pdf report just print single selected record that show in input/edit form (not all record).
    please guide me how to set for print to pdf just one record that show in input/edit form.

agus sulaiman

Re: print one selected record from input form to pdf file


You should use a session variable in the WHERE clause (PDF Report Application). Then you should initiate that variable in onLoad event of the form.
In the Button Link settings you should associate these variables.

V?tor Jamil

Re: print one selected record from input form to pdf file

Hello Agus, have you been able to create the print button? Would you share it with me, cause I’m newbie.