Problem Ajax event OnClick on Grid

Hello, I have a problem creating an ajax event OnClick, all the Insert Code appears in red.
It happens with all types of fields and created or database fields.
When I run the grid does not enable the field to click
SC Version 7.01.0020
PHP: 5.4.4-14 + deb7u8


To be honest i always thought that you could not create ajax event on fields within a grid. But I’ve just seen that you can create them, so if you can then it should work I guess. What are you trying to achieve? In general you can apply a link to an image in the grid, or create links to achieve things. What special thing you need to do within the grid?

btw. It’s pretty logical that you cannot use functions which require field access. The point is that within a grid there’s no way to select the row you want to work on. Then you need to create a run button which gives you access to the selected rows. But you can useually pick some code from another event and copy that to here. It useually works.

Albert thanks for the answer,
I need to confirm after click and a conditional redirect.
I think the run button is not the best option.
The variables can be used, I have previously used
Sorry for my bad english.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann