I am using the trial version to test if the applications can work in my hosted site (it has all requirements: php 5.2.17, mysql 3.23.58). I created a very simple project in my computer and I followed the instructions to deploy it using the FTP option. I changed the permissions for the _lib directory and subfolders and files to 777-R (as indicated)
Now, when I tried to access the prod environment I had some errors that I tried to solve myself
At the login page nothing was displayed. The language list was empty and there was no text. What I did was to modify the nm_ini_manager2.php file so it could show the es-es language (my native language is spanish). Apparently there is an error with the $_SESSION[‘nm_session’][‘prod_v7’][‘lang’] value for spanish.
After that, I was able to have access to the prod menu, but when I clicked to create or edit a connection, there were other errors related to the $nm_config[‘path_lib’] variable. I changed it to direct it to the correct directory. after that, I had another error in the admin_sys_allconections_create_wizard.php file. It did not find the file at the instruction where the program includes the 'base_ini.inc.php file. Once again I edited the path.
Finally, the instructions “$obj_page = new nmPageAdminSysAllConectionsCreateWizard();
$obj_page->Display();” seemed to work because I did not receive any errors but again nothing happens and this time when I clicked Create or Edit a connection, nothing happens.
I have ran out of ideas. Could you help me to understand why I am having path problems and I can not create or edit database connections?
I would really appreciatte your answers. I think this program has a lot of advantages but I need to be sure this tool can be used in my hosted site or any client’s hosted site.