problem exporting a pdf grid on remote server.

I have this problem when a try to export a pdf on my production enviroment. The html file gets genereted but not the pdf file. I gave all the permissions to the wkhtmltopdf on both wkhtmltopdf-amd64 and wkhtmltopdf-i386 files but still can’t get a pdf genereted and returns this error "The requested URL /mysite/_lib/tmp/sc_pdf_20160603192437_24_grid_transfer.pdf was not found on this server."
On my local server all works fine. Has anyone had this kind of problem ? and how did you solved it ?

Thanks to everyone who helpes me to get over this problem, is giving me a big headache.

My SC version 7.01.0021

Maurizio C

Hello there is a long story of complaints about that. Try to search export pdf… and you will find that it’s still an annoying problem. Someone said that is a granting problem. Make a test.