Problem issues in the Calendar mouseover, today highlight and other basic functions

Hi All,

I am using the SC7 to build my first web application project. Due to I have not any web development experience, so I have chosen this product to develop my urgent project. However, when I using the Web Calendar, I have encountered some problems as below. They are:

  1. How to highlight the current date automatically by default?

  2. Where to turn on the hover (mouse over the day/cell object for semi-transparency or change to another color) function in the Calendar ?

  3. How to make the smaller size calendar and showing and highlight the events’ day? Please see the attached zip file of “Calendar application” for your reference.

  4. How to set different color for different events?

  5. What is the meaning of the “Recurrence”? How to use? I have already turned it on, but nothing to show into the Calendar. Even though forward to next month, but nothing to see anything.

Would you please advise how to do it?

Best Regards,

Calendar application (15.7 KB)

The calendar is based upon an open-source script available on the web. So SC hasn’t changed it. Kevin made some enhancements to allow different colours to be used which can be found on:

Hi Albert,

Thank you very much for your quick replied.

In this installation guide from the attachment, sorry that, I don’t understand the point 6a what is it? The point 6 is …
6) Modify the external_cal.html file attached in zip for your data files to be created .
a. The Eventsources section is where you modify the code to generate the files the calendar reads. When generated they will be put into the external_cal_run directory.

What is the meaning of the “Eventsources section”? Where to find it? As per the downloaded attachment, the “external_cal.html” is empty. Is it correct?

Would you please help and advise?

Best Regards,

[QUOTE=leolui888;21287]Hi Albert,

Thank you very much for your quick replied.

In this installation guide from the attachment, sorry that, I don’t understand the point 6a what is it? The point 6 is …
6) Modify the external_cal.html file attached in zip for your data files to be created .
a. The Eventsources section is where you modify the code to generate the files the calendar reads. When generated they will be put into the external_cal_run directory.

What is the meaning of the “Eventsources section”? Where to find it? As per the downloaded attachment, the “external_cal.html” is empty. Is it correct?

Would you please help and advise?

Best Regards,

Hi Leo. I didn’t make the download, Kevin did and I’m affraid I cannot answer a question like this as I haven’t played with it much. The original component is to be found here:

I hope you can find your answers there.

I happen to see this thread and feel so interested in these problems. I also have some experience with calendar component, they are easy to use. However, in this circumstance, things become much more complicated. I do think the calendar controls with design time might be much more convenient to use in most situations.

Hi Aducom/Makaveiljojo/All,

Sorry for very late replied for this post because I just finished the other some projects.

For the SC default calendar, I would like to enhance the calendar layout, which can make it comfortable and easy to read. So, I quoted the below link to show my expectation, which mouse-over effect function can apply to the Scriptcase’s calendar.

In this website example, you can use the mouse over the day’s cell, and it can change the cell’s background into a semi-transparency.

If the Scriptcase cannot easily to make this, how to plug this Calendar into my Scriptcase’s project?

Would you please help and advise ?

Best Regards,