Problem step 3 to convet project v7 to v8

Dear. As convert project properly from sc7 to sc8?

I did the pied indicated and in step 3 to convert application on the same machine
and after successfully completed the path says message incorrect path or not exists
does not exist in the database and can not continue.

thank you.


Please contact our support team as a trial user.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hello Mr,

Please follow the tutorial below:

Any question, please tell me.

[QUOTE=daguard;26012]Dear. As convert project properly from sc7 to sc8?

I did the pied indicated and in step 3 to convert application on the same machine
and after successfully completed the path says message incorrect path or not exists
does not exist in the database and can not continue.

thank you.[/QUOTE]

Let us know if the tutorial solved this problem.