Problem to accessing to Class functions ... Need help !!!!

Hello ,

I’ve create in Librairies configuration a Class with functions, like this ::

class WOClass{

function UTLecParam($valparam){
$requete = “SELECT cvaleur,ctaille FROM tparamet WHERE cnom = '”.$valparam."’";
sc_select(my_data, $requete, “conn_mysql”);


return $valretour;

function InitParam(){


return null;

function IMPOccup($mmajtype,$mpsigne,$mpdate1,$mpdate2,$mptype){

return null;


I’ve add my class into form Programming, Librairies section and in Onvalidate Event , I try to call my functions but I receive error message :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function .......

First my class was in Prject library, I changed to Public, I’ve also tried with sc_include , but same message !!!
What do I wrong ???
Thanks in advance

How you call the class function(s)?

Like this :

IMPoccup(…) ;

Oh !!!

I have to do this to call a class function !!!

$WOObject = new WOClass();

Thanks Reinhard

You see … ;).

But, now I have an error message with “sc_select” command in class function ???

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sc_select

Do I include something else ?
Thanks in advance