problem web application

Good afternoon.

I have a problem with the installation on a hosting fee.

Today scriptcase install a newly purchased hosting but when I try to upload files and / or generate PDF I get an error “Contact your administrator.”

I run the diagnostico.php and this is what shows me

[b]Environment 2
php.ini PATH:
zend_optimizer.license_path: SEM ARQUIVO
ScriptCase write permission
Session write permission
Internet Access - Socks - OK
ZendId execute Permission
ZendId MD5:
HTMLDOC execute Permission - off

./htmldoc26 -f “/var/www/vhosts/” -t pdf14 --book --tocomitted --no-title --quiet --header … --footer …1 --no-outline --portrait --browserwidth 1200 --size letter --bodycolor “#EEEEEE” --getcurrentpath --nmlog “/var/www/vhosts/” “/var/www/vhosts/” [/b]

I have no access to php.ini but I think it is possible to create a directory on your hosting.

The problem is how scriptcase would do to tell where is the php.ini file

On the other hand the problem of writing that can be?.

Thank you very much for the collaboration

Re: problem web application

php.ini is no required to change. Its only to display to you the path.

You need is zendid exec permission so you can register your serial.