Problem with deployment


I have problem with deployment, I create simple application and want to deply it. I choose typical, with lib and common files, choose initial application, and save to zip
Download it and unzip on debian in my home directory.
When I try to accsess it it redirect it to (i create login application from security module)
and show library not found /home/zloty/publ/prod but correct directory is /home/zloty/public_html/prod I test it on two servers? what can happend. It works on server when I create it but I got the same error on two other servers.

Why it change directory? I didn’t wrote on any configuration those directory.

I think you selected the wrong startup file.

Mine is and it work fine.

app_Login is described as Login - Initial Application

Anyway I change it to simple form and I got the same error “can’t find library” and directory is other then real.

I have those appliactions.

 	Ascendant Application 	- Friendly URL 	- Description 	- Creator 	- Generation 	- Status 	Options 
	app_change_pswd		Change Password	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_form_add_users		Add users	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_form_edit_users		Edit Users	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_grid_sec_users		Grid of the users	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_Login		Login - Initial Application	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_menu		Menu	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename  

	app_retrieve_pswd		Retrieve Password	admin	02/04/14 20:40	updated	Run     Edit     Copy     Rename

Are you using Linux server?

If so, please make sure all folders are in chmod 755 rights.

For initial stage, make sure the conf folder are in chmod 777 rights.

After setup the databases connection completed, you MUST set the rights back to 755 for conf directory for security reason.

Hope this help.

Yes it’s debian, I change all files to 777 and the same. Anyway I test this package on other unix server and it works. Then probably it’s problem with apache2. Which modules should be enabled?

On one debian I have standard configuration and it doesn’t work , on other it’s hosting from internet it is unix and it is working, but I don’t know which modules are enebaled.

[QUOTE=zlotyx;21233]Yes it’s debian, I change all files to 777 and the same. Anyway I test this package on other unix server and it works. Then probably it’s problem with apache2. Which modules should be enabled?

On one debian I have standard configuration and it doesn’t work , on other it’s hosting from internet it is unix and it is working, but I don’t know which modules are enebaled.[/QUOTE]

Please note. Only FOLDER need to have 0755 rights. FILE remain 0644 is good enough.

Change to 0777 might allow anybody to write to your system.

Maybe you can try to create one file in both of your servers with content (actually you’re already have this file in the _lib directory named info.php)


Compare the output and see what is missing on the Debian server.


Problem solved, in apache was symlinks to other folder and library don’t want work, when I move it to other directory without symlinks it’s start working

Maybe you can try to make one computer file in both of your web servers with the same content. But i think if you could try and create Quality content it would have been really work great on your custom website design.