Problem with excuting applications


Recently all my project applications take long time to execute, with no result, the samples project of scriptcase still working fine

There is another error, whene I click on Process button on “Data Dictionnary”:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 67108942 bytes) in D:Program Files on line 4993

In task manager the php-cgi.exe not respond

Can any one help me please ?

Re: Problem with excuting applications

I am sure now, when I create a Data Dictionary and if a memory limit message is displayed, all the project crash, and I can’t then execute the applications in scriptcase

here is the Message in Error Poup Window :

the PHP module required to connect to databases is not loaded. | Script: D:Program Files
mPageApp.class.php linha: 3629

Please can any one help it’s very urgent for me.

Re: Problem with excuting applications

Increase the memory limit value in php.ini

Re: Problem with excuting applications

I have already do this and it’s not the solution…

So, I solved my problem. When Scriptcase create the data Dictionnary and if the database has tables or fileds names (tested only on SQL Server 2005 in Native mode) with Accent Chars like ‘?’, Scriptcase generate a list of 163 Mo of chars in _lib/lang/xx_lang.php, so downloading this files in generating code propcess, take a long time and crash the webserver

So to avoid this, I suggest create the Database with no special chars like ‘?’.