Problem with languages

Hey guys, been having a problem for some time now with the languages.
It seems that the alignment of the text and fields is not correct, in fact they are all over the place. Its starting to get very annoying especially as my language keys are getting to be very many.

Attached image displays this lightly, on some lang keys there are so many blank lines its starting to drive me nuts and am unable to find the correct key to the language field.


Did you change the scriptcase8.css or however that thing exactly is called? It holds the css for the editor and for various other parts of scriptcase. It basically shouldnt be altered. Anyway in case of you not knowing it use firefox with firebug and check the stylesheet settings in question. Then backup your old one, update the new one and ctrl+refresh your browser. That might work…
If it isnt changed see if you can find a backup and extract the old css from there, then compare.
This is how I would try to fix it…

nice thx will give that a go, nice idea actually to style the pages a little better :slight_smile: thx