problem with mysqli_real_escape_string

I want use mysqli_real_escape_string in a bank page, but it need the connection variable.

How can I use it??

thank you

I am experiencing the exact same - Have tried:
{pro_sdnotes} = mysqli_real_escape_string(“conn_mysql”,{pro_sdnotes});
{pro_sdnotes} = mysqli_real_escape_string(‘conn_mysql’,{pro_sdnotes});
and even tried:
{pro_sdnotes} = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn_mysql,{pro_sdnotes});

But always throws up errors such as:
mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
Undefined variable: conn_mysql

This must be a simple fix! :-/

Haven’t tried this, but do you really use and have ‘conn_mysql’ on your data connections?