problemas para instalar scriptcase v6

hola baje la version v6 del scriptcase y al instalarla me da un error, que lueog me impide conectarme con el motor de base de datos
este es el proceso de instalacion

root@omar-HP-Mini-311-1100:/home/omar# sh
Creating directory scriptcase_linux_installer_x86_es_es_v6.0.001
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing Scriptcase 6.0.001 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86…

Welcome to ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) installation script!

Please specify an installation path [/opt/nm/v6]:

Extracting files to /opt/nm/v6/zend…
Extracting Scriptcase to /opt/nm/v6/www/scriptcase…
Starting ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) 5.1.0 …

httpd (pid 2904) already running
/opt/nm/v6/zend/bin/apachectl start [OK]

/opt/nm/v6/zend/bin/ l?nea 39: /opt/nm/v6/zend/gui/lighttpd/bin/spawn-fcgi: No existe el archivo o el directorio
chmod: no se puede acceder a ?/opt/nm/v6/zend/gui/lighttpd/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket?: No existe el archivo o el directorio
Starting ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) GUI [Lighttpd] [OK]
[ 08.02.2012 17:56:32 SYSTEM] watchdog for lighttpd is not running.
[ 08.02.2012 17:56:32 SYSTEM] lighttpd is not running.

ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) started…
========================== INSTALLATION SUMMARY ===================================================

ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) was installed to /opt/nm/v6/zend
The End User License Agreement [EULA] can be viewed under /opt/nm/v6/zend/doc/EULA.txt
See the README in /opt/nm/v6/zend/doc/README more information

Apache is up and running on port 86!
To control ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits), please use /opt/nm/v6/zend/bin/
To enable the Java bridge, please run /opt/nm/v6/zend/bin/
To open scriptcase access

=============================== ENJOY ScriptCase 6 - Zend Server CE 5.1.0 x86 (32bits) ===============================================

Re: problemas para instalar scriptcase v6


What linux distribution are you using? Are you following our installation guide? Have you set read, write and execute permission to the installer file?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: problemas para instalar scriptcase v6

Estoy usando ubuntu 11.10 y segui los pasos de instalacion segun la guia que baje, lo ejecuto como superusuario, le asigne los prmisos necesarios.
Tengo instalada la version 5 del scriptcase, tendra algo que ver?

Re: problemas para instalar scriptcase v6

ScriptCase Forum ?
Others ?
Bugs ?
scriptcase v6: no database connection permitted

there is the same topic with the same error.