i have a question how i can automate some features.
Attached is the grid i produced.
My problem at this point is.
This application is used with a Bluetooth Barcode-Scanner.
The first scanner field (Scan for prod amount ) made a substr. on the barcode to extract the production amount and writes this onBlur in the field (production amount) and sets the field (start time). It?s configured that the cursor is then activ in field ( sscc_barcode ) to get the 2nd barcode.
So far so good is it working !
My problem now is, that the customer is scanning the barcode a few meters away, and has to scan about 15 barcodes straight ahead.
At the moment he has to walk back after the 2nd. scan - save the data - push button for new entry- walk to the palletts to scan the next barcode.
So my question is: how can i create an onBlur event when he left the 2nd. barcode to save the data open a new dataset and set the focus for the new entry on the first field !
Any ideas in the world ?