problems with calendar using control user/groups/applications


I am using the groups/apps security module. Everything is fine except for just one thing.

In the calendar app, I can’t choose the users to be able to insert, update, etc.

As you can see in the image attached, I am not able to give the user privileges to insert, update, etc. on calendar app. I really need the users to be able to insert data in the calendar. What can I do?


Captura de pantalla 2012-03-23 a la(s) 10.49.59.png

Re: problems with calendar using control user/groups/applications

I’ve solved it! I had to change it directly on the database!


Re: problems with calendar using control user/groups/applications

So the checkboxes are not able to be checked in the app right? But they can be marked in the DB fields?

Thanks - I am starting work with the calendar soon :wink:

Did you submit as a bug to SC? Seems like an easy fix in future release…