problems with container update


i have a container with to widgets. In one i made my production plan, the second widgets shows the planned production. So i use a 20seconds refresh to actualize the second widget. works fine !
My problem now is that i have a link on the grid in the second container where you can open the planned production for changing.
Now what happens is, that my form is closed when the 20sec. refresh is done ! So i could do no input in the form.
Where is it possible to do a refrech without loosing the form ?

no one with ideas ?

is there a macro with which i can do a manually refresh ?

Re: problems with container update

Gerd, how did you linked your apps ? Is a grid to a form, right?

Re: problems with container update

yes, problem still exists !!

Re: problems with container update


You could try to refresh using HTML.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: problems with container update


could you explain it a little bit closer ?

I know that i could do a refresh of a site by placing something like:

<meta http-equiv=“refresh” content=“5” >

in the head tag, but how can i place it in scriptcase ?

Re: problems with container update


That will depend on what you are trying to achieve with the refresh. You could try using it on events such as onScriptInit, or onApplicationInit.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: problems with container update

I want to do a refresh after i insert a new record in one container.

Re: problems with container update

You could try on the onAfterInsert event, but that will depend on your application logic.

Bernhard Bernsmann