Problems with date display


I have a field in my DB table with DateTime format in a form for an update show the value of the field but not before I show 1969-12-31 values for example (1945-01-15), the curious thing is that it allows to update any date but does not display the correct result.

What can I do to display these dates correctly?

Re: Problems with date display

As I know, the DateTime Format starts to count with “0” in the first second of 1.1.1970.

Not tested by me, but have you tried to negativ values?

Best regards


Re: Problems with date display


I have not tested with negative values, the value in the DB is a date prior to 1969/12/31 for example (1940/01/23), but when I show a date field type is displayed as a form 1969/12 / 31, with dates after 1971/01/01 no problems.

The data type of the DB field is datetime, do not use anything that has to do with timestamp dates but I think the problem with this as the start timestamp dates from 1970/01/01 00:00:00.

What do I do?