Problems with Graphs application in vs 9.10.023

I have been exploring some management information on a legacy application suite. I have a very well-established and working system, with data I want to present graphically. Consequently, I am experimenting with generating a graph application(s).

I’ve generated the app and can see several errors (in no particular order):

  1. If you use a filter with more than a couple of lines in the dropdown, the dropdown opens underneath the fusioncharts container, which means the bottom few list items cannot be selected.
  • I’ve temporarily got round this by hacking the css file ‘\wwwroot\scriptcase\prod\third\jquery_plugin\sumoselect-master\sumoselect.min’ and changed the position attribute of the optWrapper class from absolute to relative. This has the effect of shoving the graph downwards to allow you to select things… then the graph jumps back up once youve made the selection.

  • It’s not a proper solution as it is changning a third party css file (Because Netmake have not implemented it properly). It would require a deploy to production of this amended file every time NM changed these additional files.

  • It really needs someone to look at the way the html is generated as it feels like the z-index context is screwed up. Then the amended html generated would fix the problem.

  1. if you use the filter, sometimes it gives a ‘no data to display’… but this SHOULD be impossible because items only appear in the filter list if they exist. (assuming you only have that 1 filter!). It looks like if the SQL only retrieves 1 record, it gives you this error.

  2. With the responsive desktop set, it basically expands the graph so that it goes off the screen, (or outside the container if in a dashboard). This makes it very untidy with scroll bar manipulation so the user can see the graph.

  3. If you don’t have a responsive desktop, then you can set the standalone app a specific size as expected… BUT, when you then add it to a dashboard, it exceeds the size of the container, making it very user unfriendly again. Either it should remain the same size OR fit to the container. I think the fact that there are filters is impacting this.

  4. In the IDE, every time you click on theme, you get a Netmake error report popup.

  5. If the x-axis is a time based axis (e.g. month/year) then you should be able to keep months without data. At the moment, a time based x-axis graph just looks wrong as it goes Jan/Feb/Sep/ Nov. An option here is badly needed.

  6. The help system has not been updated(what a surprise!), so I’ve no idea what the range of data>use interval setting is supposed to do.

I’ll embellish this post if I discover anything else.

Further testing using the grid application with summary and grid graphs at the top of the summary:

  1. The theme for the graph (which is in the grid theme) does not work.
  • Go into Layout>Application Themes
  • Pick the theme for the grid
  • Amend the chart theme (on the first page) in advanced mode
  • Save
  • Check it has saved(it has)… this was an old problem
  • Reapply the theme to the grid
  • Regenerate the source

Everything changes (as you would expect), except for the graph (on the top of the summary page… the new(ish) option)

More issues/questions on the CHART app

  1. I’m also having a wierd result if I try and use the search function (in chart) to limit the display. Almost any selection causes no data to be retrieved, yet when I use debug mode and copy the SQL(s) into the sql builder. They all run OK and retrieve the expected data.
  • It could be me, but I suspect that this is related to the 1 item problem above, where the interface between the SQL returned results and the graph creation is a little flaky.

  • I removed all other filters for this test.

  • To further the test, I changed the SQL for the app to start the app with the correct selection. The exact same sql that gives results in the SQL builder, retrieves no results according to the graph.

Creation of a new app with the same SQL to filter the items works fine, so it looks like there might be some corruption caused by the IDE in the original app.