Problems with

Anyone else having problems accessing the hosting service?

Was working fine yesterday but today I’m getting errors and ‘server not found’ when I try and access it.

I can access cPanel via the numeric IP address, so assume its someting to do with DNS records (probably someone forgot to pay a bill…)

Can anyone advise how to access a website running from a cPanel system just using the numeric IP address?

All the it’s down and all my service webs with this hosting service :frowning_face: The domain was renwed yesterday, maybe it’s that ?

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Same problem for me. Too many outages happening, particularly Sunay Brazil time. Doesn’t help international sites or users like me in New Zealand.

Same here… terrible service … I wonder how long it will take…

Yes it looks like the domain has been allowed to expire. Hopefully they can rectify quickly.

Update… we can now see the myscriptcase domain but it gives the error:

Invalid license or server not allowed!
Please check the diagnosis if zendid is ok (Menu > Help > Diagnosis), or confirm in your account that the registered license is valid, if so, try to register again using the same serial. If the error persists, please contact our support. (-8)

Maybe the hosts are having to rebuild things again.

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I’m in the same situation

I was able to get in throughout most of this through the cPanel /IP address and everything looked normal at that end - so hopefully nothing too catastrophic.

OK - the final bit that fixes this now the site is accessible is to register a new license.

Suggest do this in an incognito/privacy window to avoid any cache issues.

  1. Login to

  2. Goto (your account - body icon) - and then My Scriptcase

  3. Go to Serials tab and select the active serial and then Reqest for New installation

  4. Accept the T+Cs and pick a reason such as ‘new installation’

  5. It should generate a new license key

  6. Go to your installation of

  7. Navigate the menu to Help | License Registration

  8. Paste the new serial number. Set the user and password to be the ones you use to access - not the ones you use on your installation of the scriptcase software (at Submit.

  9. You should get confirmation and then can log back in and it should work correctly.

My learning point - I’m going to do more regular backups of Scriptcase to hold locally in future as a just in case.

Thanks this worked for me too and we are back in. Not sure why we needed to do that last stage but I’m just glad my team can work again!

me too.
working again!

but now the license error is back

I had to re-register my license twice, 1 day apart.