Problems with ORDER by in a grid

Hi all
I have been having some problems with the upgrade to 9.11.
Now after checking through several tests the order by is not working properly.
Adding in the sql of a grid an order by, this is not considered when starting the application.
I tried adding sc_select_order(‘ASC_field_name’) in the scriptINI, but it did not work either.

I have tried on several grids and the result is the same.
In version 9.10 it worked correctly and now it does not.

Could you please check?
I don’t know if it’s just a problem in my scriptcase.

Thanks in advance.


Have you made this change in the grid SQL config?

Even the image is in Portuguese, but you can understand that you have to press NONE in the ORDER CONFIG

Thank you for the tip. Its working now.

But its strange that with the update to 9.11 the other option is not working anymore (using the same app)