problems with pdf

is there a way to do some conditional printing…i mean…i have a subselect field…then if a condition is true (in that subselect)…it should print an extra row…
I tried to use fpdf library itself…but it cant find any fonts…gives an error

Any idea how to do this?

Re: problems with pdf

Use the onRecord event to setup your condition:

if ({EnableCard} == 1) { {EnableCard} = ‘X’; } else { {EnableCard} = ’ ‘; }
if (strlen({CardholderName}) > 20) { {CardholderName} = substr({CardholderName},0,20).’*’; }

As for the field display, you could use sc_field_display(), or place fields in a block and use sc_block_display()


Re: problems with pdf

ok thx i will test these :slight_smile:

Re: problems with pdf

well it seems i cant get the data of the subselect fields…do i need an index for each row?