Production Environment configuration not working if not using HTTPS

Since a few version I am not able to configure database in the Production Environment configuration.

Either the current info start to show up and the browser show a spinning wheel or it simply dye


If I try to create a new connection the form is working fine but when I press save the same thing is happening.

This problem is happening with Edge, Chrome and Firefox. After trying multiple time and reinstalling the app 2 or 3 time I finally found out that this is happening because password are being transfer without encryption by my antivirus.

SC please force the app to use HTTPS to prevent this situation because just typing will default to HTTP and this situation will happen.

Note that this problem is not happening with the Opera browser.

I hope that this will help other user of SC, use https::/ when you want to use the Production Environment configuration to prevent this situation.

Note that this depend on the Antivirus you are using, if you don’t have this problem it mean that your Antivirus is not too good.