Production environment not found

I installed my project via zip-file, unpacked on the web-server (which runs php 7.4.33. Project developed on server running php 8.1.26).
I was able to call the production environment and configure the db-connecitons. They passed the test. After I stored the php-timezone, I saved the configuration and it did. There were no incompatible applications (test was run), and the diagnosis showed all fine.
when I try to start the application (it is the sec-login.php) I receive the message (in German):
# Produktionsumfeld
Produktionsumgebung nicht gefunden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Administrator dieser Umgebung.
production environment
*productions environment not found. Please contact the admin of this environment. *

Does anyone know what is going wrong?
(I did the same thing on a second server and all went fine)

Help would be highly appreciated!

Did you ever resolve the issue?

yes we did. We used another web-Server. The one before needed a “:” in the path due to company-setup of the main server. The new one did not. That seems to have done the trick.

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I face the same trouble.
Our dev platform in on Windows. The local Deployment on Windows works correctly.
The deployement on the Ubuntu 22.04 works but the first app (app_Login.php ) show this message in french:

Environnement de production
Environnement de production introuvable. Veuillez contacter l’administrateur de cet environnement.
In english :production environnement not found.

It’s quite strange cause the production environnement is deployed. Mysql connection are setted, php time zone also setted.

Just to tell you, that we solved our trouble with these 3 actions :slight_smile:
Resend index.php localized on the DocumentRoot directory,
Resend the complete _lib/_app_data directory (The app_Login_ini.php was missing) and
Chmod 777 on the app_Login_ini.php file
Now it’s working on our ubuntu 22.04 php 8.1 platform.

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