Any body has an idea where to find the information how the form “Production Environment” should be setup. I’m confused about the paths…
- Path for Java Binary
- Java Binary
- PDF Server IP
- Authorization key to view the maps
Any body has an idea where to find the information how the form “Production Environment” should be setup. I’m confused about the paths…
When you logon to your production environment there’s a help link left in the menu. It leads to the standard helpfile. Copied from that:
Temporary files directory: Absolute path to the tmp folder.
Time to live (minutes) of files: Time, in minutes, the file will remain stored in the tmp folder.
Path for Java Binary: Enter the absolute path of the java binary. If you want to use a java version different from the version installed in your computer inform the absolute path of that java.
Java Binary: Enter the java executable file name. In Windows and Linux the default is java and you do not have to inform it, but for IBM, for example, you must to inform javac that is the name of the java executable file.
PDF Server IP: Server’s Internal IP on a network (NAT IP used to call the generated html exported by Scriptcase).
Language: Select the language that you desire to the Production Environment.
Authorization key to view Ggoogle maps: To use the Google Maps you must have the Authorization key, that is freely generated.
Link to get the authorization key:
The key will be used only for one machine, because it’s based on a digital signature.