Production Environment Template

Just started off with ScriptCase but would like to ask if there is some server deployment template that could be used.

For example, I use XAMPP portable which can just be configured and all settings stored in a single folder (possibly even on a USB). Or even possibly a lean VM which can be used as a ScriptCase Appliance template so that one could just drop in the deployment, possibly even via FTP directly through Scriptcase.

Is there any ScriptCase expert soul that could create some XAMPP portable config which could be downloaded and used as a basis for deployment to ensure that all dependencies are correctly satisfied.

This would certainly be of benefit to the overall ScriptCase prouct and keep up the good work!! :wink:

I use Uniform Server which is a WAMP with all settings default to production. Only need of changing one .htaccess file.

Thanks Albert, Uniform actually seems even leaner than XAMPP.

Thinking in the longer term for ease of deployment; what are your views on having say

a) Scriptcase dev environment
b) Have a local Uniform server for local deployment and testing
c) Having a remote Uniform server say at client site for staging
d) …

Is there some recommended tool that can be used to sync across just changes between b) and c) ??

Uniform Server and Scriptcase dev environment = no go … (no zend module in uniform server). For local deployment / testing ok.

@ RHS is there some prerequisites list for proper deployment with some form of diagnostics which can ensure that all dependencies are being met correctly?

Would you recommend XAMPP for production environment?

Any recommended sync tool to sync just changes between local deployment and testing and client site?

No, read on the XAMPP site why not:

The default configuration is not good from a security point of view and it’s not secure enough for a production environment - please don’t use XAMPP in such environment.

Sync tool? I need none. But really anybody better ftp client can do it. I’am use SpeedCommander for uploads to my / my customers production servers. This all managed (LAMP) servers at various hosting providers and/or local (LAMP and IIS) servers in a LAN.

Thanks Reinhard. So essentially overwrite the files from the newly generated project files. Correct?

Hi guys, great thread. Timely for me, as I am setting up my own VMware ESXi server. I am toying with going LAMP or WAMP for my VM’s. I am just going to use VMs for testing and so on , so I can rapidly change them for specific projects, save them off for future reference, etc. Anyone else doing this now?

Almost … I’am generated .zip files (full project, all apps or changed apps) and upload this .zip file to the server. Unpack i do simply in the brower (call update.php?id=x):

if ($_GET['id'])
        system("unzip -o MyApp_" . $_GET['id'] . ".zip");
       system("unzip -o");

This overwrites the old files and finished.

Great Reinhard! Thanks for the info from your experience. :smiley:

Hi Everyone,

First time I have done a full deployment and everything was working fine. I just created a application using online cart and it worked fine. Later I had changed couple of applications (form_cart, grid_prod_details etc). Is there a way to deploy only changed files rather than deploying the whole project? I tried selecting only the changed application and generated zip file and then went to the server and replaced those folders but now i am getting common library not found and many other errors. Hence I am not sure whether i am doing a right deployment.


You may want to try advanced deployment if you use specific paths. You make make a deployment with all paths needed and simply save it under a name e.g. DeplyToProduction