Production environment white screen and data errors

Development my system works fine in production I have on main app that just take me to a white screen when trying to insert a record and the same form but for a customer tells me there is a SQL error and the system is not grabbing the current date time of the server.

This all works fine in development but not in production. Using consoles in Firefox and Chrome this is the last error is see when hidden the ADD button on both forms
Production environment:
PHP 7 and mySQL 5.7.27

Development environment:
PHP 7.2 nd mySQL

Source map error: TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Resource URL: Source Map URL: http://localhost:3052/3.12.2/map/licensed/

I do also see this error on one of the forms but the code it takes me to is scrip case code not mine

unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7716:4
unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7720:4
unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7724:4
unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7716:4
unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7720:4
unreachable code after return statement newTicket:7724:4